Hawk Power Technology Co., Ltd

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Hawk Power has a dynamic scientific research and innovation team. The core members of the team are composed of postdoctoral fellows, doctors and masters. They have leading aero-engine research and development capabilities. At the same time, relying on the strong processing and testing capabilities, they provide technical support for the design and development, processing, manufacturing and maintenance of high-end equipment such as aero-engines, gas turbines and industrial compressors.

The team relies on modern digital R&D methods to establish a digital engine R&D platform, break the traditional aero-engine R&D model, and go through the entire digital R&D process of digital design, digital simulation, digital assembly, and digital testing, greatly shortening the aero-engine R&D cycle and improving R&D quality, while effectively reducing the development cost. At present, more than 20 product series of the turbojet engine and turbofan engine are planned, and the thrust range covers 1kgf~500kgf. The development of 5 types of aero-engines with completely independent intellectual property rights has been completed.